Online Pilot Program – August 2024 to June 2025 Free info sessions online on June 21 at 3:00 pm MST, July 11 at 2:00 pm MST, and August 6 at 2:00pm MST – Email leah.perrault@gmail.com to get a link. Program Description Catholic Clergy are trained in...
Suicide: On Crushing Weight and Never-Ending Love

Suicide: On Crushing Weight and Never-Ending Love

I was trying to decide if I wanted ice cream when I got a text from my sister: “Call mom or I when you can.” It was one of those moments where time stops. The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach knows that my world will never be the same. Someone I love lost...
Emerging as the way of Easter

Emerging as the way of Easter

Photo Credit: Darcie Lich Weeks have past since Easter and there is still chocolate sitting in the Easter baskets. We are gradually learning that joy can be spread over many days in small doses, rather than trying to consume it all at once. Though the Easter baskets...
To let go of the want and find contentment in what is…

To let go of the want and find contentment in what is…

Years ago, musician Audrey Assad[1] released “I Shall Not Want” on an album called Fortunate Fall. She had discovered a Litany of Humility and set it to music. At a concert she did in my home church, she told us that she wrote it so that she would be inspired to pray...
Living from true(r) stories

Living from true(r) stories

Photo Credit: Sheena Grund People are curious and beautiful and mysterious. One of the things I love most about humans is our capacity to make meaning. It is endlessly fascinating to me that many people can be in the same room, experiencing the same objective reality...