Trusting what is to take us where we need to go

Trusting what is to take us where we need to go

Photo Credit: Marc Perrault Trust wasn’t the lesson I was expecting when my partner planned a surprise anniversary weekend away. Seventeen years later, we returned to the Cypress Hills where we stayed as newlyweds. The lodgepole pines appear not to have changed as...
Making space inside to receive what (and who) is…

Making space inside to receive what (and who) is…

Photo Credit: Brian Zimmer Space was not on my mind when I began a dream job at 23, four months pregnant. I thought the job would be decades away when we decided to try for a first baby. And life happened differently than I planned. I moved into an office and set up...
The Space Created by Love…

The Space Created by Love…

Space is not a word I associated with love for most of my life. I grew up longing for the freedom of stretching further away from the intimacy of my family and small, Saskatchewan town. I sat in the farm house window sill in my bedroom, staring up at the expansive,...
On the evolution of love over a lifetime…

On the evolution of love over a lifetime…

Fluffy snow covered the sidewalk when I opened the garage door to leave for work. The garbage bin sat peacefully under the streetlight on the curb, waiting to be replaced by the recycle bin. I grabbed the shovel while my husband dressed kids inside the house,...
On believing that I might be beautiful…

On believing that I might be beautiful…

Photo Credit: Jolyn Sloan The sunset as I drove out to a retreat for women this past weekend was one of the most beautiful I have seen in my life. The clouds were perfectly layered, the sun weaving between them, the trees and grass of the prairies dancing in response...