Breathe Deep – Parish Leadership Retreat – Regina

09/17/16 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Archdiocese of Regina
Address: Our Lady of Peace Parish, 425 North Broad Street, Regina, SK, Canada

Open to all parishioners and parish leaders in Regina, Leah will recharge us for another year of life, leadership and faith in our parish communities.  “Breathe Deep: Letting the Spirit in to Lead Us” will look at the reasons we get tired, the shape of the church and world we serve, and the ways we can follow and participate in what God is doing among us.

On Saturday, September 17th, there will be a potluck lunch at noon, followed by the retreat from 1-4.  $10 per participant. Call 306.543.5355 for more information or to register.

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