by Leah Perrault | Nov 28, 2017
Photo Credit: Tara Magee Preparing a place is one of my favourite things. We love having the guest room full, the bed made and food planned, the anticipation of time spent with people we love. Preparing makes space, in our home and inside of us, for those who are...
by Leah Perrault | Dec 7, 2016
Photo Credit: Katherine Seibert I wandered out into the darkness the other night, wrapped in a thick fog. I could see about three car lengths in front of me on the asphalt, and then a wall of white, reflecting my headlights back at me. The brightness designed to...
by Leah Perrault | Dec 2, 2015
Photo Credit: Sandy Normand Before the first snow fell in Saskatoon this year, before the purple candles were unpacked, a small insurrection erupted in our home. Before the Remembrance Day service, our beloved little people had been enjoying the day off school,...