by Leah Perrault | Oct 18, 2023
Photo credit: Marc Perrault One of my favourite things about public speaking is the conversations that happen at the end of the event. After ideas, emotions, and (hopefully) the Spirit whirl around a large room with many hearts, something is distilled between two...
by Leah Perrault | May 27, 2021
Photo Credit: Marc Perrault Holding, as an attribute of God, sort of fell out of the sky for me this month. I was looking out the window with wonder at just how many stars we can see without leaving the city in this new-to-us, small(er) city we now call home. As I...
by Leah Perrault | Apr 22, 2021
Imperfection and I have had a rocky relationship. For years, I pretended she didn’t even exist. When she showed up unexpectedly, I dressed her up in different clothes and tried to pass her off as someone else. I recognized, eventually, that she was actually a roommate...
by Leah Perrault | Sep 10, 2020
Awkward floated to my lips a few times last week before I saw the pattern. The stumbling and crashing of growing children and adolescents finding themselves in bigger bodies than the days before. Constant adjustments during mask practice sessions. Remembering the...
by Leah Perrault | Sep 26, 2019
Photo Credit: Darryl Millette For more than eight hundred days, the earth has been spinning its way around the sun, shining in spite of Abbie’s death, but I struggle to see it. The sun and moon come and go. I fight to feel anything other than the sting of injustice at...