On the evolution of love over a lifetime…

On the evolution of love over a lifetime…

Fluffy snow covered the sidewalk when I opened the garage door to leave for work. The garbage bin sat peacefully under the streetlight on the curb, waiting to be replaced by the recycle bin. I grabbed the shovel while my husband dressed kids inside the house,...
Arriving somewhere safe and okay, as if by accident…

Arriving somewhere safe and okay, as if by accident…

Photo Credit: Katherine Siebert Safe and okay have been elusive feelings for quite awhile.  Tracing the shape of the dark, wandering lost, tending to wounds, willing some measure of wellness – it’s all been a road I never wanted to turn down in the first place.  I was...
Tending to the wounds of a broken heart

Tending to the wounds of a broken heart

Wounds are strange teachers. Ten days ago, I sliced through the tip of my left ring finger trying to pry leftover ice cream cake off the cardboard. (Don’t worry; I assured my inquiring brother-in-law that the cake was unharmed.) The sting was worse than the blood. And...