Braving the depths of grief

Braving the depths of grief

Photo credit: Tom Cooledge Diefenbaker Lake is a deep section of the Saskatchewan River that cuts a T-shape through the south-central part of our province. In the summer, we swim and boat on this water, and we spend hours driving around it or waiting to be ferried...
The space and edges of freedom

The space and edges of freedom

January in Saskatchewan brings cold, clear days with hoar frost and ice crystals catching light in the air. I was driving with my son, teaching him about sun dogs, the refraction of light through ice that creates a halo around the sun, with two bright rainbows on...
Showing up to do the spiritual work

Showing up to do the spiritual work

Photo Credit: Lorraine Strain Over the summer, I wrestled my way through a nasty case of pneumonia. As a life-long asthmatic, I have lots of experience with lung infections and trouble. Into the fall, my lungs were still struggling. The acute crisis had passed, I...
To see myself clearly – and with compassion

To see myself clearly – and with compassion

Image by Cindy Lever from Pixabay This spring, I got an itch for change, and I cut my hair. Sixteen inches of curls laying on the floor. I instantly felt so much lighter. And as I went about my life, it was a big enough change that I didn’t recognize my...