by Leah Perrault | Sep 13, 2024
I went out to the garden boxes after 8 pm. I did not feel like going, but it was the only window I was going to have in the week for picking the beans. The plants were weighted down with the harvest. Small row by small row, I pulled the beans off one by one –...
by Leah Perrault | Sep 14, 2023
Steps have featured prominently on my social media feeds in the last week, as back to school pictures get posted. I love the glimpse into the lives of all the kids and teens, eager and annoyed, performing and resisting the annual tradition. I love the schools and the...
by Leah Perrault | Mar 19, 2020
Staying the course is an ironic metaphor for an asthmatic whose longest race ever was 3000 meters. Last by a larger margin than all the other runners combined, I crossed the finish line. I walked the race at a high school track meet so that one more completed event...