Tending the moments of our lives with care

Tending the moments of our lives with care

I went out to the garden boxes after 8 pm. I did not feel like going, but it was the only window I was going to have in the week for picking the beans. The plants were weighted down with the harvest. Small row by small row, I pulled the beans off one by one –...

Book Recommendations for Summer 2024

Over the last few years, I’ve been working hard to shut off the TV and and stop scrolling. I find that habits are easier to replace than quit, and reading is a long-time love too-often set aside in the years with small children and a full life. Most of my reads...
Soaking up vicarious joy…

Soaking up vicarious joy…

Summer hit our household with a few viruses, a hospital stay, and some serious attention to essentials. Sometimes, the seasons outside do not line up well with the seasons of our lives. So it goes. I’m mostly staying home. Resting a lot. Paying attention to some big...
Emerging as the way of Easter

Emerging as the way of Easter

Photo Credit: Darcie Lich Weeks have past since Easter and there is still chocolate sitting in the Easter baskets. We are gradually learning that joy can be spread over many days in small doses, rather than trying to consume it all at once. Though the Easter baskets...
To let go of the want and find contentment in what is…

To let go of the want and find contentment in what is…

Years ago, musician Audrey Assad[1] released “I Shall Not Want” on an album called Fortunate Fall. She had discovered a Litany of Humility and set it to music. At a concert she did in my home church, she told us that she wrote it so that she would be inspired to pray...