On the evolution of love over a lifetime…

On the evolution of love over a lifetime…

Fluffy snow covered the sidewalk when I opened the garage door to leave for work. The garbage bin sat peacefully under the streetlight on the curb, waiting to be replaced by the recycle bin. I grabbed the shovel while my husband dressed kids inside the house,...
The problem of unimaginable tragedy…

The problem of unimaginable tragedy…

The news in Saskatchewan has been full of heartache for the last week. First, the victim impact statements for the Humboldt bus crash brought wave after wave of loss. Then, Tammy Brown was found murdered in her home in Saskatoon. Late Friday evening, the Redwood trial...

Choosing the scenic route and resolving nothing

Photo Credit: Jolyn Sloan Choosing is in the air. At the beginning of the year, the marketers are competing for our money, and gyms and diet programs are poised to pounce on the good intentions that follow Christmas feasts. A new calendar year lies before us waiting...
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us…

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us…

Dwelling is a strange concept.  It’s a place and it sounds like an action: the relevance to Advent is both.  The blanket fort that took over my home last Sunday was the perfect incarnation of both the noun and the verb.  It was a space for the kids to occupy, at the...
Spending and saving the energy it takes to learn…

Spending and saving the energy it takes to learn…

Photo Credit: Carla Chabot Energy is one of the great miracles of life.  As the trees lose their leaves and preserve energy for the spring, I have been thinking about how I spend my energy, and what human dormancy looks like.  The food we eat and the air we breathe is...
The gentle effort it takes to let myself be carried

The gentle effort it takes to let myself be carried

After we are small children, it is rare that we are carried.  Perhaps for a joke or dare, a photo op at a threshold, or in the case of injury, or in certain situations in old age?  My baby is big enough now I rarely carry his full weight unless he is asleep.  He lifts...