Simplicity as Spiritual Survival

Simplicity as Spiritual Survival

As fall turned to winter, I found a prayer for life transitions in Common Prayer, A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals. We were considering a move, in the middle of a pandemic. It all felt very complicated. And the opening line of the prayer resonated with me: “Lord, help...
Advent: Learning to love the longing

Advent: Learning to love the longing

Image by Pezibear from Pixabay  Longing is a place I visit frequently, passing through on the way to somewhere else. The floor is worn at the entrance way and in front of the window, where walking gently back and forth has left its mark. The chair...
Making space inside to receive what (and who) is…

Making space inside to receive what (and who) is…

Photo Credit: Brian Zimmer Space was not on my mind when I began a dream job at 23, four months pregnant. I thought the job would be decades away when we decided to try for a first baby. And life happened differently than I planned. I moved into an office and set up...
Saving (and sacred) work in pandemic living

Saving (and sacred) work in pandemic living

Saving the open document on my computer, I close my door with intention, mentally leaving the worries of work inside my office. I wish my coworkers a good evening and check in with myself as I walk to daycare. We drive to school to pick up the big three while I review...
Falling apart – and finding the ground

Falling apart – and finding the ground

Photo Credit: Katherine Siebert Falling is on my list of least favourite things. It sits on the shelf beside failure and spontaneity, where I intentionally avoid the whole lot of them to convince myself they don’t exist. But denial is no match for the laws of physics....