“Living Faith in the Body” – Priest Study Days.

10/03/16 - 10/05/16 All day
Archdiocese of Regina
Address: Archdiocese of Regina

Leah Perrault, with colleague and friend Brett Salkeld, will spend three days with the priests of the Archdiocese of Regina.  We’ll be talking about theology of the body, marriage, sexuality and families, and ministry that changes hearts and lives.

This session is for archdiocesan clergy.  https://archregina.sk.ca/

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    A day for the soul to be fed and encouraged

    Where: Sacred Heart Parish
    204 2nd St. W. Spiritwood, Sask

    Adele 306-960-0882
    Bernadette 306-241-3008

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    Mount St. Francis
    Retreat Centre

    With Guest Presenter: Leah Perrault

    To Register:
    Linda and Russ Nicol