Theology of the Body – Calgary

11/13/15 7:00 PM - 11/15/15 12:00 AM
St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Cathoilc Church, Calgary, AB, Canada
Address: St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Cathoilc Church, Calgary, AB, Canada

TOB Poster

Maybe you’ve never thought about it much, but being a body is essential to your relationship with God – it’s why He took on flesh and walked among us.  Pope John Paul II wrote Theology of the Body so that we might understand just how significant our bodies are for our spiritual life.  With stories, prayer and humour, Leah offers a window into how God meets you in your own – everyday and embodied – life.

Related upcoming events

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    Women's Retreat

    with Leah Perrault

    A day for the soul to be fed and encouraged

    Where: Sacred Heart Parish
    204 2nd St. W. Spiritwood, Sask

    Adele 306-960-0882
    Bernadette 306-241-3008

  • 12/06/24 - 12/08/24 All day

    Mount St. Francis
    Retreat Centre

    With Guest Presenter: Leah Perrault

    To Register:
    Linda and Russ Nicol