Stepping into the courage it takes to breathe goodbye

Stepping into the courage it takes to breathe goodbye

The last several days frosted an intricate pattern of heart break over my eyes.  Friday, 15 people from the Humboldt Broncos hockey franchise died in a tragic bus collision just hours from my front door.  More than 100 people killed Saturday in Syria, between air...
Relaxing into the rising work of God…

Relaxing into the rising work of God…

Rising should be the easy part, no?  After the fear, the suffering, the darkness, the hard work, and the waiting, I feel like rising should be effortless.  Despite that, I feel weighted down by resistance to rising.  This should not be a surprise; at this same time...
Tracing the Shape of the Dark

Tracing the Shape of the Dark

My sister had an old dead tree tattooed on her arm. She always meant to have dark clouds filled in behind it, but she didn’t get the chance. I asked her why a dead tree and not a living one; she said it was because she had seen the dark and the dead and gotten through...