Emerging as the way of Easter

Emerging as the way of Easter

Photo Credit: Darcie Lich Weeks have past since Easter and there is still chocolate sitting in the Easter baskets. We are gradually learning that joy can be spread over many days in small doses, rather than trying to consume it all at once. Though the Easter baskets...
Joy as a way of being in the world

Joy as a way of being in the world

I love the first walk out with the kids when the snow melts. Pressing on thin ice till it breaks. Wading into puddles. Dropping snow into running water to see how long it takes to break through. I love the way that spring breaks through the winter, and we feel renewed...
Relaxing into the rising work of God…

Relaxing into the rising work of God…

Rising should be the easy part, no?  After the fear, the suffering, the darkness, the hard work, and the waiting, I feel like rising should be effortless.  Despite that, I feel weighted down by resistance to rising.  This should not be a surprise; at this same time...