Trusting what is to take us where we need to go

Trusting what is to take us where we need to go

Photo Credit: Marc Perrault Trust wasn’t the lesson I was expecting when my partner planned a surprise anniversary weekend away. Seventeen years later, we returned to the Cypress Hills where we stayed as newlyweds. The lodgepole pines appear not to have changed as...
Imperfection, knitting, and doing the wash with God

Imperfection, knitting, and doing the wash with God

Imperfection and I have had a rocky relationship. For years, I pretended she didn’t even exist. When she showed up unexpectedly, I dressed her up in different clothes and tried to pass her off as someone else. I recognized, eventually, that she was actually a roommate...
Cultivating curiosity in the garden and my heart

Cultivating curiosity in the garden and my heart

Photo Credit: Maryanne Reed Curiosity is not my first response. The little voice is so imploring: “Is there just one more packet of seeds in this drawer, Mommy? I just need to plant one more packet of seeds.” I am making dinner, on a timeline, and the combination of...