The distance between my hands and my heart is help

The distance between my hands and my heart is help

Help is not my favourite word. I think I have a hangover from toddlerhood. My instant response when someone asks if I need a hand is a more grown-up version of “I can do it myself!” Paying attention over the last month, I have recognized a few of my favourite ways to...
The time has arrived and I’m not ready yet

The time has arrived and I’m not ready yet

Photo Credit: Sandy Normand I’m not ready.  The fall is coming hurdling towards me with all the speed of Usain Bolt and I would really rather not, thanks.  It happened late last week.  I woke up and went outside with the puppy and the air had changed overnight.  From...
“Spare” time, sunscreen, and the intensity of the light

“Spare” time, sunscreen, and the intensity of the light

Photo Credit: Sandy Normand On the longest day of the year, I was working out of the office – under the sun on the top of a hill, with my feet in prairie grass, melting in the heat and the light.  It felt like a holiday, “spare” time at work to rest and to share. ...
The slow and steady speed of spiritual growth

The slow and steady speed of spiritual growth

Photo Credits: Darcy Donovan I love watching my kids’ growth.  It’s so tangible and obvious.  We can mark it on the wall, measure it by outgrown boots and pant legs, hear it in new words and phrases.  The visibility of their growth is contrasted by the invisibility of...